Independence / Interdependence
What is all that noise
Coming from the noosphere?
It’s just the campaign!
Read MoreA podcast of original teachings and music by Zenkai Taiun Michael Elliston Roshi, guiding teacher of the Atlanta Soto Zen Center and abbot of the Silent Thunder Order.
Producer: Shinjin Larry Little
Independence / Interdependence
What is all that noise
Coming from the noosphere?
It’s just the campaign!
Read MoreRead MoreUn-political
We’re not playing here,
messing with Mother Nature
missing our last chance.
The Noble Path
Four truths in four spheres —
An expanding net of change:
Dukkha reigns supreme.
Read MoreThe Four Noble Truths
Do they still hold true?
In the era of “fake news” -
are there still just four?
Read More