It is laugh or cry —
the tragedy of humans
in hormonal rage.
Falling through a curve —
Sum total of all forces…
Zen’s “total function”!
Such a lovely world —
if it weren’t for the people!
Let’s get rid of them.
Dharma trumps karma
but it is not an escape —
Consequences come
The Four Spheres are real —
as real as anything else —
but temporary
I may not be done —
my race may be almost run —
not yet... not yet... not...
It’s all personal —
but entangled seamlessly
with universal
He was the great sage
who said no need for zazen —
if you grasp the truth
It’s not that simple.
But it helps to simplify —
at least in your mind.
What is a system?
It has inside and outside —
all dharma beings.
Discovery now.
Invention follows later —
in Design or Zen.
Process is the thing —
Outcomes only the result —
Some tweaking required
Method and routine
may be hard to separate —
Work it out in time
No matter the tool —
Whatever materials —
The method is Zen
Let’s keep it simple.
It’s complicated enough
without our meddling.
What is the problem?
Is there a real solution?
We have a method.
Chance is not random.
Synergy is arising —
in Design or Zen.
What did he intend —
the design intent of Zen?
We are still learning.
What is the problem?
Buddha defined it as Dukkha —
I say Upaya.