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  • Atlanta Soto Zen Center Location: 1167 Zonolite Place Northeast Atlanta, GA, 30306 United States (map)

ROHATSU is the annual celebration of Buddha’s Enlightenment. We emulate his supreme effort by sitting up all night on Saturday — outdoors weather permitting — and facing the East, where he saw the morning star, triggering his awakening. This year’s retreat is condensed into two days over the weekend, with arrival Friday evening (Dec. 13) for out-of-towners. We will begin sitting Saturday morning at 9am, and then we will join the regular program on Sunday AM.

All are invited to attend (at zendo or online) and follow the schedule as you are able. We recommend the overnight Saturday sit for those experienced in meditation. A recitation of selected teachings will be led by Elliston Roshi on Saturday afternoon following Just Sit Saturday that morning. Plan to come for all or any part of the schedule. Please click here to register.

Suggested Program price: $75 per day or pay what you can afford.

More info email

Zoom Meeting Information

Meeting ID: 859 5621 0311

Passcode: aszc

Earlier Event: December 13
Sunrise Sangha
Later Event: December 14
ASZC - Just Sit Saturday