6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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7:00 PM19:00

Tuesday Evenings with Ishiryo

Ishiryo Steven Carr, our current resident-in-training, will be hosting Zen meditation each Tuesday evening at ASZC, starting at 7 PM. Please plan to join.


The format will be the same as for our weekday morning meditation schedule, namely two half-hour sittings with walking meditation in between, followed by a brief chanting service, featuring the Heart Sutra in English and Japanese on alternate evenings.


No fee is required but donations are welcome and appreciated, as always.


Dr. Carr is in residence at Atlanta Soto Zen Center through mid-April on ango, the traditional 90-day practice period. His day job is research and teaching evolutionary genetics and biotechnology, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He is working on a project with Georgia Tech.


Ishiryo ("beyond thinking") is a long-time student and beginner in Zen. He has previously practiced with the Kwan Um Zen School in Berkeley, CA and with the Diamond Sangha under Roshi Robert Aitken in Honolulu, HI.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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7:00 PM19:00

Tuesday Evenings with Ishiryo

Ishiryo Steven Carr, our current resident-in-training, will be hosting Zen meditation each Tuesday evening at ASZC, starting at 7 PM. Please plan to join.


The format will be the same as for our weekday morning meditation schedule, namely two half-hour sittings with walking meditation in between, followed by a brief chanting service, featuring the Heart Sutra in English and Japanese on alternate evenings.


No fee is required but donations are welcome and appreciated, as always.


Dr. Carr is in residence at Atlanta Soto Zen Center through mid-April on ango, the traditional 90-day practice period. His day job is research and teaching evolutionary genetics and biotechnology, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He is working on a project with Georgia Tech.


Ishiryo ("beyond thinking") is a long-time student and beginner in Zen. He has previously practiced with the Kwan Um Zen School in Berkeley, CA and with the Diamond Sangha under Roshi Robert Aitken in Honolulu, HI.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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7:00 PM19:00

Tuesday Evenings with Ishiryo

Ishiryo Steven Carr, our current resident-in-training, will be hosting Zen meditation each Tuesday evening at ASZC, starting at 7 PM. Please plan to join.


The format will be the same as for our weekday morning meditation schedule, namely two half-hour sittings with walking meditation in between, followed by a brief chanting service, featuring the Heart Sutra in English and Japanese on alternate evenings.


No fee is required but donations are welcome and appreciated, as always.


Dr. Carr is in residence at Atlanta Soto Zen Center through mid-April on ango, the traditional 90-day practice period. His day job is research and teaching evolutionary genetics and biotechnology, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He is working on a project with Georgia Tech.


Ishiryo ("beyond thinking") is a long-time student and beginner in Zen. He has previously practiced with the Kwan Um Zen School in Berkeley, CA and with the Diamond Sangha under Roshi Robert Aitken in Honolulu, HI.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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to Apr 13

Spring 2025 Roshi Retreat @ Watershed

  • 361 Albone Branch Road Hayesville, NC, 28904 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Where do we find the Original Frontier? Not the "final frontier" of space exploration, or the daunting frontier of the bottom of the ocean, but the frontier of Mind, of consciousness itself? Like any frontier, entering it means leaving the known world behind and entering uncharted territory.

At Watershed, we leave the familiar terrain of the city, and our daily routine, embarking on a journey into Nature, in the relative wilderness of the mountains and valleys of North Carolina, which of course does not really exist, except as lines drawn upon a map, which of course, is not the territory. Bringing Zen's meditation to the strangeness of the piney woods, we realize the sameness in the difference. Once the retreat - which is actually a Zen attack - is over, we return to the fray refreshed. The Original Frontier comes with us.

It is highly recommended that you read the book before the retreat. We will not be reading the book, but Taiun-roshi will give daily teisho (pointed talks) embellishing on the main points, along with opportunities for dokusan(personal interview) on a regular basis.   

Please join us for our multi-day meditation retreat in the western North Carolina mountains. Watershed Retreat Center is located on 94 acres in a pastoral farm setting highly conducive to finding, or returning to our true nature, in the embrace of Mother Nature. To preserve the intimacy of the retreat, we must limit registration to 10 participants.

Contact: Chishiki Bryan Price 828-389-4927 

Where: Watershed Retreat Center - 361 Albone Branch Road, Hayesville, NC 28904

Fees:  $240 or pay what you can

Questions Prior to Retreat Contact: Atlanta Soto Zen Center Email :

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9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

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to Apr 20

SOLD OUT! Spring 2025 Silent Retreat @ Watershed

  • 361 Albone Branch Road Hayesville, NC, 28904 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The planed Silent retreat at Watershed is sold out! Thank you for your generosity and dedication to practice. While the event is sold out, you may still join the waiting list and will be advised if a seat opens up.


Please join us for a multi-day Zen meditation retreat (Sesshin) in the mountains of Western North Carolina.  Watershed Retreat Center is located on 94 forested acres at the foot of the Appalachian mountains. 

Watershed Retreat Center is essentially Bryan Price and Kylie Brown’s home.  There is a main house for meals, sleeping and showering, and a smaller cabin a short walk away, which is used as the meditation hall.  Meals are informal and vegetarian (with optional dairy and eggs).  Meditation is broken into 25 minutes of sitting meditation and 5 minutes of walking meditation over several blocks throughout the day, lasting from 2-3 hours.  Additionally, Samu (simple working meditation tasks), will be assigned to all retreat participants to help the retreat run smoothly for all.  Everyone is encouraged to attend all meditation sessions, but not required to attend all sessions.  The retreat is silent from 8pm on Wednesday evening until mid-morning on Sunday.  

Contact: Chishiki Bryan Price 828-389-4927 

Where: Watershed Retreat Center - 361 Albone Branch Road, Hayesville, NC 28904

Fees:  $240 or pay what you can

Questions Prior to Retreat Contact: Email :

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

April Content TBA

Review the class materials by clicking here.


Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

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6:30 PM18:30

ASZC - Poetry Open Mic Night

Sign-up/doors open at 6:30, event starts at 7.  We will go until 9.This will be an in-person event.

Kevin Schumaker, Dharma name Shinyo, was educated to be a philosophy professor and then made a number bad choices. Born in Wisconsin in a subdivision in the middle of nowhere, Kevin has tried through writing to craft a world capturing the existential heart of American hopes, dreams, addictions, loves, danger, and lies.

Questions or want more details? Please email your host, Kevin Schumaker.

Dana is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

Class ontent TBA

Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

Class ontent TBA

Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

Class ontent TBA

Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

Class ontent TBA

Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

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to Sep 14

Fall 2025 Roshi Retreat @ Watershed

  • 361 Albone Branch Road Hayesville, NC, 28904 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Please join us for our multi-day meditation retreat in the western North Carolina mountains. Watershed Retreat Center is located on 94 acres in a pastoral farm setting highly conducive to finding, or returning to our true nature, in the embrace of Mother Nature. To preserve the intimacy of the retreat, we must limit registration to 8 participants.

Contact: Chishiki Bryan Price 828-389-4927 

Where: Watershed Retreat Center - 361 Albone Branch Road, Hayesville, NC 28904

Fees:  $240 or pay what you can

Questions Prior to Retreat Contact: Atlanta Soto Zen Center Email :

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

View Event →
to Sep 21

Fall 2025 Silent Retreat @ Watershed

  • 361 Albone Branch Road Hayesville, NC, 28904 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Please join us for a multi-day Zen meditation retreat (Sesshin) in the mountains of Western North Carolina.  Watershed Retreat Center is located on 94 forested acres at the foot of the Appalachian mountains. 

Watershed Retreat Center is essentially Bryan Price and Kylie Brown’s home.  There is a main house for meals, sleeping and showering, and a smaller cabin a short walk away, which is used as the meditation hall.  Meals are informal and vegetarian (with optional dairy and eggs).  Medication is broken into 25 minutes of sitting meditation and 5 minutes of walking meditation over several blocks throughout the day, lasting from 2-3 hours.  Additionally, Samu (simple working meditation tasks), will be assigned to all retreat participants to help the retreat run smoothly for all.  Everyone is encouraged to attend all meditation sessions, but not required to attend all sessions.  The retreat is silent from 8pm on Wednesday evening until mid-morning on Sunday.  To preserve the intimacy of the retreat, we must limit registration to 8 participants.

Contact: Chishiki Bryan Price 828-389-4927 

Where: Watershed Retreat Center - 361 Albone Branch Road, Hayesville, NC 28904

Fees:  $240 or pay what you can

Questions Prior to Retreat Contact: Email :

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

Class ontent TBA

Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

Class ontent TBA

Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

Class ontent TBA

Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE — Each Thursday will feature 1 of 5 focal points:

         1st -  Natural Posture..........Finding Your Center (zazen)

         2nd - Natural Breath............Following The Body (kyuki & koki)

         3rd -  Mindful Attention.......Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

         4th -  Walking & Chanting...Feeling Stillness in Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

         5th -  Healing & Sleeping....Promoting Wellbeing (ki)



            1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation: 30 min

— Coping with Barriers to Practice

— Distress vs Comfort; Anxiety vs Serenity; Confusion vs Clarity; Friction vs Harmony; Skillful Means

         2) Sitting + Teisho: 30 min

Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (Zazen & Kyosaku)

— Physical, Emotional, Mental, Social Samadhi; Awakening Self & Others

         3) Q&A + Tea: 30 min

Q&A, Tea Service (Sanzen & O-cha)


Hybrid Format—Onsite/Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10/Session)

Scan QR code to register and/or contact Elliston-roshi for questions:

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class

Class ontent TBA

Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

View Event →

6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

View Event →
9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Master Class


 4 Spheres

Ambience, Action & Influence: Personal; Social; Natural; Universal


4 Aggregates

Form (Appearance); Feeling (Sensation); Thought (Perception-Conception); Impulse (Formation)

 + Consciousness as meta-aggregate (conscious of the other 4)


Foundations of Zen

Connecting the Dots: 4 Noble Truths; 8-fold Path;

6 Paramitas (Perfecting Wisdom)


Review the class materials by clicking here.


Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

Advanced Workshop 2025


MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE—5 Thursday Focal Points: 

1st Posture.........................Finding Your Center (zazen)

2nd Breath..........................Following the Body (kyuki & koki)

3rd Attention......................Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

4th Chanting & Walking....Experiencing Stillness/Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

5th Healing & Sleeping......Visualizing Wellbeing (ki)


1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation—30-45 min.

         Guided Meditation for Coping with Barriers to Practice, Including: 

         — Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Social Resistance

         — Yogic Stretching & Aerobic Breathing

         — Physical Aids (Equipment & Support)

         — Massage (Pain management)

         — Sleep Work (Hypnagogic & Hypnopompic States)


2) Silent Meditation—30 min.  

         Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (zazen & kyosaku)


3) Q&A—30 min.

         Tea Service & Dialog (O-cha & sanzen / dokusan)


Hybrid—Onsite & Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10 / Session)

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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7:00 PM19:00

Tuesday Evenings with Ishiryo

Ishiryo Steven Carr, our current resident-in-training, will be hosting Zen meditation each Tuesday evening at ASZC, starting at 7 PM. Please plan to join.


The format will be the same as for our weekday morning meditation schedule, namely two half-hour sittings with walking meditation in between, followed by a brief chanting service, featuring the Heart Sutra in English and Japanese on alternate evenings.


No fee is required but donations are welcome and appreciated, as always.


Dr. Carr is in residence at Atlanta Soto Zen Center through mid-April on ango, the traditional 90-day practice period. His day job is research and teaching evolutionary genetics and biotechnology, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He is working on a project with Georgia Tech.


Ishiryo ("beyond thinking") is a long-time student and beginner in Zen. He has previously practiced with the Kwan Um Zen School in Berkeley, CA and with the Diamond Sangha under Roshi Robert Aitken in Honolulu, HI.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

View Event →
7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

Advanced Workshop 2025


MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE—5 Thursday Focal Points: 

1st Posture.........................Finding Your Center (zazen)

2nd Breath..........................Following the Body (kyuki & koki)

3rd Attention......................Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

4th Chanting & Walking....Experiencing Stillness/Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

5th Healing & Sleeping......Visualizing Wellbeing (ki)


1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation—30-45 min.

         Guided Meditation for Coping with Barriers to Practice, Including: 

         — Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Social Resistance

         — Yogic Stretching & Aerobic Breathing

         — Physical Aids (Equipment & Support)

         — Massage (Pain management)

         — Sleep Work (Hypnagogic & Hypnopompic States)


2) Silent Meditation—30 min.  

         Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (zazen & kyosaku)


3) Q&A—30 min.

         Tea Service & Dialog (O-cha & sanzen / dokusan)


Hybrid—Onsite & Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10 / Session)

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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7:00 PM19:00

Tuesday Evenings with Ishiryo

Ishiryo Steven Carr, our current resident-in-training, will be hosting Zen meditation each Tuesday evening at ASZC, starting at 7 PM. Please plan to join.


The format will be the same as for our weekday morning meditation schedule, namely two half-hour sittings with walking meditation in between, followed by a brief chanting service, featuring the Heart Sutra in English and Japanese on alternate evenings.


No fee is required but donations are welcome and appreciated, as always.


Dr. Carr is in residence at Atlanta Soto Zen Center through mid-April on ango, the traditional 90-day practice period. His day job is research and teaching evolutionary genetics and biotechnology, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He is working on a project with Georgia Tech.


Ishiryo ("beyond thinking") is a long-time student and beginner in Zen. He has previously practiced with the Kwan Um Zen School in Berkeley, CA and with the Diamond Sangha under Roshi Robert Aitken in Honolulu, HI.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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9:00 AM09:00

ASZC - Just Sit Saturday

Just Sit Saturday is your opportunity to enhance your daily practice and prepare for extended meditation in upcoming retreats offered during the year. 

We will focus on just sitting zazen.
(6) SESSIONS- 25 min sitting + 5 min walking

Suggested Program price: $25 or pay what you can afford.

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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7:00 PM19:00

Thursday Evening Workshop: Secrets of Zen = Singularity of Zazen

Advanced Workshop 2025


MONTHLY CONTENT CYCLE—5 Thursday Focal Points: 

1st Posture.........................Finding Your Center (zazen)

2nd Breath..........................Following the Body (kyuki & koki)

3rd Attention......................Nurturing Beginner’s Mind (shoshin)

4th Chanting & Walking....Experiencing Stillness/Motion (kinhin, mokurai)

5th Healing & Sleeping......Visualizing Wellbeing (ki)


1) Method of Zen—Demonstration & Explanation—30-45 min.

         Guided Meditation for Coping with Barriers to Practice, Including: 

         — Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Social Resistance

         — Yogic Stretching & Aerobic Breathing

         — Physical Aids (Equipment & Support)

         — Massage (Pain management)

         — Sleep Work (Hypnagogic & Hypnopompic States)


2) Silent Meditation—30 min.  

         Posture Correction & Blow of Compassion (zazen & kyosaku)


3) Q&A—30 min.

         Tea Service & Dialog (O-cha & sanzen / dokusan)


Hybrid—Onsite & Online Participation (Suggested Fee $10 / Session)

No donation required; no donation refused

View Event →
6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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7:00 PM19:00

Tuesday Evenings with Ishiryo

Ishiryo Steven Carr, our current resident-in-training, will be hosting Zen meditation each Tuesday evening at ASZC, starting at 7 PM. Please plan to join.


The format will be the same as for our weekday morning meditation schedule, namely two half-hour sittings with walking meditation in between, followed by a brief chanting service, featuring the Heart Sutra in English and Japanese on alternate evenings.


No fee is required but donations are welcome and appreciated, as always.


Dr. Carr is in residence at Atlanta Soto Zen Center through mid-April on ango, the traditional 90-day practice period. His day job is research and teaching evolutionary genetics and biotechnology, at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. He is working on a project with Georgia Tech.


Ishiryo ("beyond thinking") is a long-time student and beginner in Zen. He has previously practiced with the Kwan Um Zen School in Berkeley, CA and with the Diamond Sangha under Roshi Robert Aitken in Honolulu, HI.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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6:00 AM06:00

Sunrise Sangha

You are invited the attend an ongoing early morning “Sunrise Sangha.” The sangha meets every weekday morning from 0600 am until 0730 am. Join a robust group of practitioners each week day and start the morning with sessions of seated meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinin), and chanting.

You are invited to participate in person at the ASZC Zendo, or you may join the zoom call.

Dana for this program supports Roshin in his work, benefit ASZC, and are appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided, or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to

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