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ASZC - Master Class

  • Atlanta Soto Zen Center Location: 1167 Zonolite Place Northeast Atlanta, GA, 30306 United States (map)


 4 Spheres

Ambience, Action & Influence: Personal; Social; Natural; Universal


4 Aggregates

Form (Appearance); Feeling (Sensation); Thought (Perception-Conception); Impulse (Formation)

 + Consciousness as meta-aggregate (conscious of the other 4)


Foundations of Zen

Connecting the Dots: 4 Noble Truths; 8-fold Path;

6 Paramitas (Perfecting Wisdom)


Review the class materials by clicking here.


Fees: The fee for the Master Class is $40 per session, or $350 in advance for all ten sessions. 

The fees for this program support Roshi in his work and benefit ASZC. They may be paid per session at the door or online. Additional dana for the teacher is accepted and appreciated. Place cash or checks in the dana box provided or send via PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo to Contact Roshi for additional information.

Earlier Event: March 21
Sunrise Sangha
Later Event: March 23
Soto Zen Sunday Service