monday night discussion group reading list


Below are a list of books that have been read and explored in our monday night discussion group.

  • Nothing Special - charlotte joko beck

  • no beginning, no end - jakusho kwong-roshi

  • returning to silence - dainin katagiri-roshi

  • opening the hand of thought - kosho uchiyama

  • from the zen kitchen to enlightenment-eihei dogen-zengi and kosho uchiyama-roshi

  • refining your life and cooking your life-eihei dogen-zengi and kosho uchiyama-roshi

  • the kyosaku(archive volume I) - rev. zengaku soyu matsuoka-roshi

  • the mind of clover- robert aitken

  • zen mind, beginner’s mind - shunryo suzuki-roshi